

B.S. in Mathematics
University of Massachusetts at Lowell


Python, C, C++,
Matlab, Simulink


MySQL, Linux, Git,
MagicDraw, Simics, HTML/CSS

Domain Knowledge

Software Architecture, Spiral Development,
Space Systems, Mathematical Modeling


Softare Engineer

May 2015 - Present:

Software Co-op

June 2014 - August 2014:

Software Co-op

January 2014 - May 2014: Putnam Investments

Research Assistant

May 2012 - December 2013: UMass Lowell



In addition to his professional work, James is also active in the Boston music scene. He started taking piano lessons at age 8. He played gospel and classical styles at a local church but caught the jazz bug through his older cousin, who introduced him to improvisation. Throughout college, he played in small group ensembles led by trumper Walter Platt and bassist Chuck Gabriel and performed locally with the band Moody Street Sound. Since graduating James has studied privately with the jazz pianists Harvey Diamond, Joe Reid, and Ran Blake. He performs with Hypnago, an improvisational funk group from Lowell as well as Underground Trio, based in Boston, as well as performing his whole solo work.

Contact James

If you're interested in reaching out for freelance projects or other work opportunities, feel free to reach using the form below!